India's Academic Partner

Education India

80,000+ Students

Education India currently caters to the educational needs of over 80k+ students across India.

300+ Schools

Education India currently runs 300+ schools on Lease & Academic Partnerships.

25+ States

Education India currently operates in 25+ states in India and runs over 300 schools across India.

7+ Years

Education India is pursuing excellence in the field of School Education since past 7+ Years.

Disclaimer : We are not appointed or authorized by any education board. We are independent consultancy company which provides 360 degree help to school. We never claim that we are part of any government body or agency. We have come across that some people in West Bengal, UP, Bihar and Orissa are using our name here by we clear that we dont have anyone appointed in these states.


Schools on Lease Module


Academic Partnership


School Audit Services


We are a single window to comprehensive school services and solutions provider.


Our attitude to learn, un-learn and re-learn, and our Integrity, and openness in all interactions.


Our experience in handling challenging and complex assignments.


Speed in communications, getting information and responses to questions.

Education India - India's Academic Partner

Leading advisory for schools in india

Education India has a multi-disciplinary group of professionals dedicated solely to the development of facilities for Indian Schools.

Your Partner in Growth

Let us help you Grow, evolve & thrive

We develop and implement strategic marketing and sales programmes and help you conduct admissions from your very first session.

Schools Lease
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School Audits
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Our Research

a one stop window for all the needs of the school.

School Marketing

We develop and implement strategic marketing and sales programmes and help you conduct admissions for client’s very first session.

School as a Brand

We begin creating your Brand Identity and start subtle and  discreet promotion of your institution among key stakeholders.

School Value Building

We strategically define education programmes that are revenue-centric and yet unique and value-adding for the society.

School Growth Engine

We design organization structure, recruit faculty and staff, define academic quality parameters, and design administrative systems and processes.

vision for the future

Our goal is excellence, and we will lead you to excellence and beyond.

Confer with Education India- the country’s leading Academic Partner- to achieve superior ranking in your region.

Education India guarantees the most proper market passage system for schools, venturing into the exceptionally eccentric market with the world-class offices, the most inventive instruction meeting the mental and passionate needs of each developing understudy.